The American Legion Boyce Aten Post 25 in El Centro, Calif., reached 120 percent membership for the year and it continues to strive toward a goal of 125 percent.
As post commander, I attribute this to several significant factors:
1. Post leaders and members reducing the discussion of post business - especially in the canteen.
2. Events, events and more events. As the amount of events have increased, members and new members have become more attracted to the events.
3. Simply asking people about membership.
4. Operating the post as a business which means using our common human senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and most importantly hearing as not many "good and caring" people are going to be attracted or get involved with an organization when they openly hear bickering, backstabbing and/or negativity.
5. Diligent efforts enhancing focus and activities on The American Legion pillars.
6. Have fun and invest in the appreciation to members and the community.
7. Let the younger members learn to lead with some tutoring and guidance from the experienced leadership.
Keeping in mind, they too will make mistakes just like the experienced people once did. Although we have much more to do; unfortunately, we lost a few members that were sadly stuck in the "old way" and/or did not like complying with their post rules which have been longstanding but simply needed to be upheld. No matter if we had a multi-million dollar home, an abundance of money and the least expensive beverages, they do mean little to attract the right people to keep our torch lit. Please keep the end in mind along with what qualified us to join our organization along with our brothers and sisters that have given all.
It never has and never should be about any one individual but for God and Country. For the good of The American Legion! Still Serving America.