The Memorial Day celebration for American Legion Post 6 begins with the placing of flags on all veterans' graves in five of the city's cemeteries. Approximately 1,000 flags are placed by volunteers. The graves include veterans from the War of 1812, Spanish-American War, Mexican War, Blackhawk War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf and Afghanistan. Some of the Civil War veterans were Confederate soldiers.
Memorial Day itself is usually kicked off with the erection of nearly 900 flags in Chandler Park in the center of downtown. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, flags were only placed around the Veterans Memorial, the fountain and the newly installed Memorial Brick project. Taps will be played at the memorial in the afternoon, with only a small group of attendees from local service organizations and city officials.
A virtual memorial video was also produced by the local "Flags of Love" committee.