Alfred Kosse of Marcus, Iowa, proudly served God, family and country, fulfilling his military commitment to the U.S. Army 1950-1952 during the Korean War as a communications specialist.
He was sworn into military service March 4, 1952, taking his oath in Omaha, Neb., then continued on to Camp Crowder, Mo., until there was an opening for basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif. He had additional training in Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Following testing and interview by the company commander he was assigned his MOS of radio communications and the beginning of further training, including Signal Corps School for high-speed code training in Ansbach, Germany, France and elsewhere. After more than 16 months of service in Europe, Alfred returned home Feb. 22, 1954, to farm in Iowa, marry his beautiful wife, Beverly, and begin a family that he instilled with faith, hope and love .... and honor for those who serve America.
We pray for and honor all our family, friends and the heroes we've never met who unselfishly served - and are currently serving - our great country to preserve the freedoms we enjoy this Memorial Day weekend! God bless America!