Miller-Campbell-Baker Post 22 of Luray, Va., spent the early evening hours of a day one week prior to Memorial Day placing our nation's flag on the graves of American heroes entombed in a local cemetery. This cemetery is an old one with monuments going back to pre-Civil War (CW) days. All U.S. military veterans, regardless of CW loyalty, receive a U.S. flag placed appropriately at each veteran's marker, to include all of those beginning with the Civil War, and continuing through WWI, WWII, the Korean conflict, the Vietnam War, and for those more recently beginning with Desert Storm.
Post 22 annually joins with the local VFW Post 621 to present our remembrance program honoring all of our heroes who names are engraved into the three Page County War Memorial monuments, which includes the three towns of Page County. These memorials are located in Luray, the county seat, in front of the Page County Court House. Joining in the wreath-laying are the VFW Auxiliary and the Daughters of the American Revolution, each providing a wreath representing that organization.
This year, due to the pandemic keeping things to a minimum, the highlight of the program was the reading of what each fold of our nation's flag represents during a demonstration of the actual flag-folding.