On June 15, 2024, the Upstate South Carolina mill village of Newry will celebrate its 130th anniversary. There will be a parade, music, vendors and presentations focusing on the history of the Courtenay Mill and the village of Newry, S.C. At noon, American Legion Post 124 from Walhalla, S.C., will participate in the rededication of the Newry World War 2 memorial. The monument was erected by the Guy Hughes American Legion Post of Newry. When the textile mill closed, this American Legion post closed.
The monument lists all those Newry residents who served during World War 2, along with a list of those who gave their life for our country. While the monument was erected for those who served during World War 2, the rededication ceremony will be a recognition of all Newry residents who served in the military, from World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf Wars, Afghanistan and those serving today.
If you are a biker, you can find information about the Newry Memorial on the Tour of Honor website at tourofhonor.com. The Newry Memorial was selected by the organizers of the Tour of Honor to be one of their stops for 2024. There is much more information regarding the tour and how you can participate on their website.
We, the residents and veterans of Newry, S.C., look forward to seeing you at the rededication of our military memorial at noon on June 15, 2024. More information is available on the "Newry, SC folks" Facebook page.