The city of Rensselaer, N.Y., along with Legion Post 1683 will christen the former Broadway Viaduct with the new name Veterans Crossing at a rededication ceremony at 3 p.m. Nov. 11.
The Veterans Day rededication comes on the heels of new bridge construction - complete with new lights and an expansion. The bridge is located adjacent to the Post 1683.
On the same road, Rensselaer began a special project to honor veterans - flying flags imprinted with local veterans' faces and branches of military.
"It started down at city hall, they sent us some forms to see if anybody was interested in having these flags displayed and they got more than what they bargained for," Jon Badi, third district vice commander for the state, said. "I'm just simply amazed to see all the flags that are there, and I've lived in the city since 1944."
Nearly 50 flags wave over about 10 blocks. Among those represented are three local veterans who were killed in action and one Medal of Honor recipient from the Civil War, Badi said.
"The city makes me feel proud because at least they're recognizing their veterans, especially the ones from Vietnam era," Badi said.
This city project inspired some post members to request that the bridge be dedicated to veterans. Ladies Auxiliary member Arlene Shanno and Legionnaire Ed Lupian, Jr., were especially helpful during the "long" process, Badi said. After post and city approval, the post commissioned two bronze plaques to emblazon either side of the new bridge as Veterans Crossing.
At the rededication ceremony, the Sons of the American Legion's color guard will perform, the mayor will be present and dignitaries will speak, Badi said.