A POW/MIA ceremony was held Sept. 18 and 19 at Babylon Town Hall.
The guest speaker was Christine Bernroth, N.Y. State representative from the National League of POW/MIA Families (along with her family).
Sgt. John Sardiello, American Legion Post 1634 and the American Legion Auxiliary worked on the program.
Speakers included Commander Charles Volpe, Chaplain Charles O'Pray, 2nd Vice Commander and 1st Division Vice Commander Joseph Regina, Auxiliary President Carol O'Pray and Suzanne Regina, working with the Girl Scouts of Babylon to set up the table and explain each step.
Veterans representing the branches of service placed a rose on the table. Member James Beecher from Babylon Post 94 joined us.
The West Babylon Fire Department raised the flag and well-kept EMT around the clock.
After the service, Boy Scouts including Troop 1634 took their place at the POW/MIA monument and marched around it till the next morning.
This was the Legion Family working with the community on this special day.