On 5 March 2016, Col. Lewis L. Millett Memorial Post 38, Seoul, South Korea, hosted a community-wide ceremony honoring the memory of four U.S. Army chaplains at the Yongsan Garrison South Post Chapel in Seoul. During World War II, when their transport ship, USAT Dorchester, was torpedoed, the Four Chaplains spread out on the ship, comforted the wounded and directed the others to safety. They distributed life jackets, and when they ran out, they removed their own and gave them to four young men. As Dorchester sank, the chaplains were seen linked arm in arm, praying.
The four came from different faiths and backgrounds. John P. Washington was a Catholic priest from Kearny, N.J.. Rabbi Alexander D. Goode was a native of York, Pa. Clark V. Poling was a minister in the Reformed Church in America at the First Reformed Church in Schenectady, N.Y. George L. Fox, a decorated World War I veteran, was a Methodist minister in Gilman, Vt.
During the Four Chaplains Ceremony, the guest speaker, Lt. Col. Matthew Wysocki, chaplain of the 1st Signal Brigade, spoke of the sacrifice, courage and bravery of the Four Chaplains. William Wight, Post 38 vice commander, read the biography of each of the Four Chaplains. Four candles were lighted individually honoring the Four Chaplains. Presentation of Honors was conducted by the 65th Medical Brigade Color Guard. Prayer of Blessing during the ceremony was performed by Post 38 Chaplain Tim Lane.