Once again the village of Cassadaga displays its patriotism by displaying over 200 American flags. Cassadaga American Legion Memorial Post 1280 manages a unique flag sponsorship program. Flags are sponsored annually by individuals in honor of a veteran, family member or loved one. The Legion Family manages the assembly of flag poles, purchase of new flags, disposal of unserviceable flags, display of flags and removal after the flying season.
In Cassadaga this year over 205 flags are displayed throughout the village under this program.
This year the flags were placed on poles throughout the village by the Post 1280 Family, with the assistance of students from Cassadaga Job Corps Security and Protective Services training class led by instructor Max Cross.
Information regarding flag sponsorship can be obtained by contacting Post 1280. In addition to the Flag sponsorship program, the post offers a variety of flags and flag sizes for sale to the public at Post 1280, Maple Avenue, Cassadaga.
Patriotism is well displayed with flags flying in Cassadaga, N.Y.