Order of events for the annual observance of the American Memorial Day in Ireland:
-- Assembly at 11:00 AM at Glasnevin Cemetery; welcome by John Green, Chairman of the Glasnevin Trust, and myself on behalf of The American Legion.
-- Posting of the colors of the United States by The American Legion. The national anthem of the United States is played. Hand salute is rendered.
-- Recognition of distinguished guests -- Charge' Reece Smyth and Military Attache Andrew Martin, Lt. Col., USAF, from the United States Embassy, along with representatives of the Irish government and other governments. Recognition of guests from the American business community in Ireland. Welcome to all guests and visitors.
-- The American Legion national commander's Memorial Day message will be read aloud.
-- Introduction of Conor Dodd, Glasnevin historian, who will lead us to each of the nine marked graves of veterans of the U.S. military services buried in Glasnevin.
-- The party will reach final assembly on the site of the planned American Memorial (located midway between the French and British memorials) for the following events:
(1.) The reading of the names on the Roll of Honour, including the names of the five deceased servicemembers who lie in unmarked graves at Glasnevin.
(2.) Remarks from United States Charge' Reece Smyth on the service of Irish men and women in the American military, and the value placed on that service by the United States -- service that dates from the American war for independence to modern-day efforts to defend against terrorism worldwide, now nearly 250 years in total.
(3.) Remarks from Chairman John Green of the Glasnevin Trust on the significance of the service of Irish men and women in America's armed forces and plans to honor that service with the erection of the American Memorial at Glasnevin.
(4.) Call to Order by Lt. Col. Andrew Martin, USAF -- United States Military Attache, and the recitation of the "Ode of Remembrance."
(5.) An American Legion chaplain will read a benediction on behalf of all in attendance.
(6.) "Taps" will be sounded and the colors of the United States will be retired. Hand salute will be rendered.
(7.) The official party, members of The American Legion and all guests will retire to the Glasnevin Museum for light refreshments.