SAN ANTONIO – (May 27, 2019) On this Memorial Day weekend, Fred Brock American Legion Post No. 828 honored the memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice dating back to World War I.
The post held a Memorial Day program which featured guest speaker U.S. Army Col. Christopher V. Wynder of Hampton, Va., the provost marshal and protection director assigned to U.S. Army Installation Management Command located on Fort Sam Houston.
Special guests included the Hon. Ron Nirenberg, mayor of San Antonio, who delivered remarks, and Lawrence G. Romo, national commander of American GI Forum and former U.S. Selective Service System director.
“I’m here to say thank you on behalf of the million and a half people who share this city,” said Nirenberg. “San Antonio respects its military veterans and we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.”
Wynder, a proud graduate of Florida A&M University, thanked the Post for allowing him to address them and provided names of those servicemen and women from the San Antonio and outlining counties who laid down their lives in the call for freedom.
“The fourth Monday in May is a solemn occasion because it is that time of the year that we remember and recognize all the fallen servicemembers of wars past and present,” said Wynder. “It has been said that we should not grieve over the fallen but we should honor them.”
After Wynder’s remarks, Post Cmdr. Al Alford on behalf of Post No. 828 provided Wynder with membership into the post. Additionally, Wynder’s name will be added to the post’s Veteran’s Wall of Honor.
During final remarks, Alford reminded all of The American Legion’s centennial and of the pillar programs: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of which encompasses a variety of programs that benefit the nation's veterans, its servicemembers, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens.