On Sept. 26, 2020, American Legion Post 354 of Bon Air, Va., dedicated and donated a memorial bench to the Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia as part of its Virginia Veterans Cemeteries Donation Program. The program allows veterans service organizations and individuals to donate monuments, bell towers and carillons to Virginia veterans cemeteries.
The memorial bench was donated by the post as a monument to several past post members and hundreds of other veterans interred at the cemetery. It provides a place of solitude for families to reflect on the memories of lost loved ones. The bench will remain in perpetuity.
The dedication ceremony was hosted by Post 354 Commander Bobby Arnold. In attendance were 11th District Commander Scott Maddera; Michael Henshaw, state veterans cemeteries director; members of Post 354; and family members of deceased post members.
The dedication ceremony may be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/LegionPost354/videos/2783263395331973.