I am an active member of Post 119 in Greenfield, Ind. For the past six years, I have been cleaning and restoring honor to veteran grave markers throughout Indiana. I do this at no charge to the veterans' families. In 2017, I cleaned and restored honor to all Medal of Honor recipients interred in the state of Indiana, of which there were 50. For the past two years I have been working on cleaning and restoring for all Vietnam KIA veterans interred in Indiana. That number is 1,534. To date, I have completed approximately 750. My website is www.mrbi.rocks, and my Facebook page is Mission Restore Bronze Indiana.
My motto is: "Veterans Should be Respected on Both Sides of the Dirt!" I have tried many times to train others in what I do, but to minimal success. My mission is funded primarily from my Social Security and my VA disability. I plan to continue my mission for as long as I am able. I am a disabled veteran on many levels, and most recently have Parkinson's disease.
Finally, these veterans shall not go unnoticed or forgotten. Please review my website and my Facebook page for photos and videos of what I do to give back to those souls, who now seem to be forgotten.
Raymond R. Brown
Mission Restore Bronze Indiana
Disabled Veteran