The Honor Guard captain presents a lowered flag to the daughter of the January Veteran of the Month, then takes a flag from the son of February's.


John J. Morris Post 62 honors George Sarazin, Veteran of the Month

Peoria, AZ

On Feb. 1, John J. Morris Post 62 (Peoria, Ariz.) honored fallen Army veteran George Sarazin as Veteran of the Month. George served during the Korean War, earning two Bronze Stars. Each month the Riders show up to kick off the celebration, followed by an opening prayer. Then the honor guard comes out and lowers the current flag and presents it to the family member from last month's Veteran of the Month. Then the new flag is raised in honor of the current month's. This month, for the first time, they had two bugles playing a few seconds apart to create an echo effect. Honors to the family of George Sarazin.

Riders all lined up to kick off the event.

Two bugle players creating an echo effect by playing a couple of seconds apart.
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