Our Flag-My Flag
By Eleta Creutz
Aug. 8, 2015
I stand with others, hand over my heart, saying joyously,
“I Pledge Allegiance”
So all will know. Excitedly how I feel! My heart beats faster.
“To The Flag”
Not to just any flag, but to our flag - my flag! Neat!
“Of The United States Of America”
Our nation - my nation! Free!
“And The Republic For Which It Stands”
Protecting us all, including me!
“One Nation”
We work and play together during the good and the bad, see
“Under God”
Who gave us the way though our Constitution declaring that we
“With Liberty”
Can work for our freedoms assuring our rights - my rights are there!
“And Justice For All!”
Mercy is for all - for me to declare with delight, and show our loyalty - my loyalty to our flag - my USA flag.