Presenting an American flag to Panorama Towers

Miami, FL

A few months ago on July 8, 2016, we had the opportunity to present an American flag to the owner's representative of Panorama Towers and the owner of Tudor Perini Construction Company. The construction of this building will set a new precedence in Miami as the tallest building being built south of New York City. This building will reach a total height of 84 stories, and I had the distinct pleasure to be the one, with another member of American Legion Post 346, to present the flag. I am one of the building inspectors for this project, and when the work started approximately one year ago, I brought the idea to management. They were overwhelmed in agreement that it would be an honor to be able to display this American flag which had been presented to them. On July 26, 2016, at approximately 9 a.m., Old Glory flew for the first time from the highest part of the East High Crane connected to the building, to be flown until the end of the construction of Panorama Towers in Downtown Miami, on behalf of American Legion Post 346, VFW Post 10212, VVA Chapter 620 and CAVA (Cuban American Veterans Association).
Now this will be the highest American flag ever flown on behalf of the four organizations which I am proud to be a member of. This is how "Old Glory" should be displayed at all times, at the highest location, free of any obstructions representing "FREEDOM" and is what makes this country great. This raising of OLD GLORY is the guiding light that we as Americans should never let it extinguish and fight until our last breath.

May GOD Bless America, Home of the Free because of the Brave.

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