American Legion Post 42 of Ocean Springs is appealing to American Legion members totaling in the hundreds on the Mississippi Coast, tourists and others who have never played golf to take up the activity at their local golf course and experience “Coastal Mississippi - the Secret Coast“ and that we have many family activities. Enjoy a morning of 3,5, 9 hole golf carts provided. All you need is a 7 iron, putter and golf balls to have a lot of fun. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy fellowship, coffee and donuts under the tent
A patriot ceremony will occur at 8:40 am Saturday, April 13, at Gulf Hills Course in Ocean Springs prior to team play, with a welcome by the Post 42 commander, invocation, POW -MIA ceremony, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, a first that we know of in the nation for a golf tournament.