I could tell you about my father, the Marine who served at the Bay of Pigs in 1964, or I could tell you about my sister who followed his footsteps and became a Marine, only to re-enlist after 9/11 in the Army National Guard. Or I could mention my years in the Army as both a grunt (infantryman) and then as a digital microwave communications specialist.
But I would rather tell you about a recent social media post where a local man wanted to buy a flag and was told it wasn't in season at a local store. He spoke about how upsetting this was and ranted on about how there should never be a season for our colors. When my wife read that to me I was shocked and upset. As it happened, I had just received my copy of the Legion magazine and on the cover was flags. I jumped at it and ordered one for this man I had never met. I notified him that I had a solution for his flag issue. He told me that I didn't need to, but wheels were moving.
The flag arrived in record time and I was off to drop it off. I drove up to his house and found his wife dumbfounded as to why I would do such a thing, and I told her that it is important that everyone who wants an American flag have one. She explained that they both were combat vets and were new to the area. She had served 2 tours in Iraq, and he 1 before becoming a contractor for 3 years.