i am just a flag to you, Now there is a new salute
Just the old red, white and blue,, When some folks take the knee,
But I represent a lot of things, Does it really mean their thankful,
All of which are for you. And want all the world to see.
Yes, I have some weaknesses, Yes, we have made a few mistakes,
I try to correct each day, I know my progress is slow,
I am opened minded you see, But let us put our salutes together,
And look forward to peace each day. And give this country a go.
Most times I am saluted, Thank you for all your salutes,
As I go passing by, Our feelings must not go astray,
The military shows respect, Remember the country you live in.
For me they would even die. Be grateful for the USA.
Some place their hand,
Over their heart for me, George W. Davis USN
Another form of salute, Legion member since 1968
An honor accepted with glee.