My husband, Tim Rehmer, is a veteran who sings and plays guitar. I am a musician and songwriter, and I play keyboard for many groups, especially for the Illinois Veterans Home in Manteno. Tim and I perform around our Bourbonnais, Ill., home for many occasions but especially Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Back in 2005 I wrote a song that Tim has sung for many years. It's called "Liberty," and it speaks about our American flag. Here are the words:
(C) 2005 Nan Havens (BMI)
Oh Liberty, men fought so we could be
A country proud and free.
And here we are.
Oh Liberty, you have our guarantee
This is a land where we still stand for Liberty.
Oh Liberty, your price is never free.
Men gave their lives so we
Could fly this flag.
Oh Liberty, this land will never see
A day or night where we wouldn’t fight for Liberty
Oh Liberty, I pledge my life to thee.
Because I’ll always be
For freedom’s cause.
Oh Liberty, you are our legacy,
A nation proud to be endowed with Liberty.
Our flag still flies for those who died for Liberty.
Tim and I honor all veterans for defending the United States flag because all of them - men and women - put their lives on hold to protect our country. Many sacrificed their lives for our country and our liberty. As the last two lines of my song say, "Our flag still flies for those who died for Liberty!" God bless all those patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Tim and I have an American flag flying in our yard that stands for this great nation which will continue to be protected by men and women in uniform! We honor them.
If anyone would like to hear our recording of "Liberty," please email me at