The Major Winfield Scott Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) from Scottsdale, Ariz., gifted an American flag and Arizona state flag to American Legion Post 44 of Scottsdale on Oct. 19, 2022. These high-quality, vintage flags came with halyard, brass floor stand, mahogany pole and top ornament. The NSDAR chapter members presented these flags as part of their celebration of NSDAR National Day of Service.
From the NSDAR Major Winfield Scott Chapter were Lynda Hylander, Barbara Hanson, Sharon Leezer, Linda Meurer and Susie Mullins (not pictured). Accepting on behalf of Post 44 were William Martin, Chaplain; Michael Hatounian, Program Committee Chairman; Bill Estes, Sergeant at Arms; and Executive Committee members Roger Wells, Raymond Bartlett and Barry MacMurray.