American Legion Post 21 of The Colony, Texas, held a POW/MIA Recognition Sunset Vigil at Stewart Creek Park on Sunday evening, Sept. 17, 2023. Post Commander Mary Garcia guided everyone through a beautiful and emotional event on the banks of the water with the sunset in the background. Members of the community, civic leaders, Scout Troop 226, Daughters of the American Revolution, veterans, military supporters and Legionnaires all joined together to honor, recognize and ensure we never forget our POW and MIA brothers and sisters.
Colton Reynolds, the youngest member of SAL Squadron 21, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Coppell Community Chorale sang beautiful renditions of “Bring Him Home” and “Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” Richard Boyer, mayor of The Colony, emphasized support of the nation’s commitment for a full accounting of POWs and MIAs, and honored the bravery and perseverance of former POWs, those still missing and their families with a proclamation declaring that day POW/MIA Day in The Colony.
The guest speaker was Ron C. Nims, son of Capt. Bruce Kelly Nims, an Air Force pilot shot down over North Korea in 1951 and still unaccounted for. He explained what it was like to grow up without knowing where his father was, of his mother refusing to marry for years as she waited for Nims to return, and of the continuing support the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) gives all families of MIA servicemembers.
The ceremony included a POW/MIA table observance re-enacted as a family sitting at the dinner table, waiting for news of their missing loved one. The symbolism of each piece was described as it was placed on the table, reminding us of the pain of the families who wait, and bearing witness to the continued absence and unknown fate of our unaccounted-for brothers and sisters.
A moment that brought tears to many eyes was Kay Gustafson’s American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation of the song “Come Home Soon.” Post 21 Legionnaire Lee Scott shared a spiritual message of faith, hope and love to lift our spirits and give strength to all who wait.
To end the vigil, everyone was given an LED tealight and invited to share the Light of Hope as the sun set across the water and the day slipped into night. Bugler Dan Ivey stood in silhouette and sounded taps signaling the end to the day, but not to the spirit of hope that remains forever in our hearts.