On November 11, like other posts across the nation, John J. Morris Post 62 in Peoria, AZ held Veterans Day events. Starting with the flag raising, speeches and singing. The post distributed shirts to the first 80 in attendance followed by a potluck dinner. The full color guard was out with flags from the five branches (we do not have the Space Force flag yet). The Auxiliary President gave a speech followed by the First Vice Commander's speech. Then the local Girl Scouts and our Junior Auxiliary sang "God Bless America." The event opened and closed with prayers from our chaplain. The whole event outside was livestreamed by Centennial High School and was viewed by our commander who was out of state at a family event. The post gave out the shirts inside. Hundreds of people came to the potluck and enjoyed all the food. The post provided the hamburgers and hot dogs and the rest of the food, including dessert, was donated by members.