Veterans Day was a memorable day for veterans in Rincón, Puerto Rico. As we celebrated Veterans Day, we received a visit from the Rincón mayor, the Honorable Carlos Lopez Garcia. He honored veterans of Rincón and spoke about city projects currently underway to honor veterans in his city, which included plans to transfer funds to Post 67 to build a military monument in Rincón.
American Legion Members and other visiting veterans gathered at Post 67 to walk around the Rincón Plaza. Veterans were greeted by the Rincón community and saluted by veterans and family members in the crowd. It was an emotional, yet proud day to have served our country. Post 67 Rincón thanks all our American Legion members who participated in this event. We thank the Rincón mayor for taking time away from his busy schedule to walk the Rincón Plaza with veterans in his community and for his inspirational speech. We also thank the Rincón Municipality Police and Emergency Medical Team for keeping a watch while veterans walked around the plaza and for keeping Post 67 members safe!
Volunteers were recognized for their continued support, and we celebrated birthdays for the month of October and November 2023. All veterans in attendance received an American Legion Post 67 t-shirt with veterans’ and spouses’ names, honoring their support on this momentous day.
The event culminated with our Post 67 raffle, live music by Bomba Mania, birthday celebrations and lunch. The raffle was created to generate funds for Post 67 in order to continue to support our members and for maintenance of the Post 67 building. Gifts were donated by the community. Some of these gifts included a 3-day and 2-night stay at the Hotel Guajataca, a 42-inch television, four lottery tickets, gift certificates, an air fryer, an Apple iPad donated by D. Tacoronte from the Coop Rincón and so much more. The raffle generated $5,564 and $130 on the turkey raffle. Post 67 Commander Carlos Bonet placed a motion to nominate Awilda Candelaria for the 2024 Member of the Year award, highlighting that her tireless managing of this year’s raffle and support to Post 67 Rincón merits the nomination.