American Legion Post 143 in Schulenburg, Texas, recently honored our oldest and longest serving member, James Stanzel. At 97 years old, James has 75 years of service in The American Legion, all with Post 143.
In June of 1945, James was drafted into the Army when he was 18 years old. At that time, World War II was still going on and Allied forces were focusing on defeating Japan. James’ father and older brother had passed away in 1940, leaving him filling his father’s boots.
James was hesitant to leave his mother alone with his younger siblings on the family farm. It was tough managing a farm during that time in rural south Texas, and a family needed every hand they could get. But duty called, and James left to serve his country. His initial training was intense because he was training to invade Japan. But instead of Japan, he ended up at Camp Roberts, California, and was assigned to the Army’s Service Forces where he worked as a waiter in the officers’ club. James said it was good duty and he made extra money each month from tips.
When the war ended in September of 1945, James helped close Camp Roberts as it entered a phase of inactivation. Worried about his mother and younger siblings alone on the family farm, James applied for a hardship discharge which was granted in 1946. He returned to manage the family farm, of which he still owns a portion, raising cattle. Yes, in his 90’s!
About a year after returning home to Schulenburg, one of his uncles, who was a World War I veteran, invited James to join American Legion Post 143. James was unsure about accepting his offer. So, his uncle enticed him with Post 143’s annual Christmas party, which provided free food and beverages, a tradition that continues at Post 143 to this day.
James joined Post 143, but he felt a little out of place. The majority of the post’s members were older World War I veterans, and most of the World War II veterans from Schulenburg had moved to the big cities to look for work. Although he felt out of place, James stuck with Post 143, continued his membership, and remains an active member, still attending the Christmas party.
Schulenburg, Texas, American Legion Post 143 was founded on December 1, 1919, when a group of 29 veterans decided to join the newly formed American Legion. We received our official charter in February of 1920.