The American Legion Larry Jeffers Post 195 of Lugoff, S.C., had a very fulfilling and successful day on May 7, 2024. The post signed papers and filled out the final check to take full ownership of their twin buildings and property on the corner of Wildwood Lane and Sandwood Drive in Lugoff, S.C.
It was the culmination of a very tumultuous half decade, with the post coming amazingly close to foreclosure during the COVID-19 years. The efforts of individual members kept the post afloat during that period of time.
Post Commander Claude "Cliff" Turner presented the final check and signed the papers on the deal in the morning.
The post and Auxiliary Unit 195 were represented at the Woolard Technology Center in Camden, S.C., by Post Commander Claude Turner, Adjutant Ruppert Baird and Auxiliary members Dana Turner and Shana Turner. It was there that Post 195 was recognized as the inaugural Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce 2024 Non-Profit of the Year. The presentation was made at the Chamber's annual awards banquet. Other awards presented were the Young Professional of the Year, the Bobby T. Jones Humanitarian Award, the Small Business of the Year, Business Partners of the Year, the William F. Nettles Award and the President's Award.
The Chamber of Commerce's Executive Director Amy Kinard and Board Chair Mindy Player made the announcements. Lunch was provided by The Catery on Broad, Everyday Gourmet, Haile Street Grill and B. Colson's Steak, Seafood & Bourbon. All these restaurants are from Camden! Additionally, Lilfred's of Rembert and the Culinary Students of Woolard Technology Center served lunch.