As many of you know, the birth of our nation is celebrated on July 4. We celebrate July 4 with barbeques, parades, fireworks and family gatherings. Historians, veterans and active-duty servicemen and women know the true meaning of the Fourth of July.
The founding fathers created a nation, bound by God, fighting tyranny, corrupt taxation and the British military. The British hierarchy thought we were just a colony but failed to understand that we were a force to be reckoned with: fair treatment, no taxation without representation, and protecting the rights of the new Americans.
Battles were fought, lives were lost and a new government was formed, representing the citizens of the United States. Some of the founding fathers lost their land, their families, and some lost their lives paying the ultimate sacrifice for a just cause. Many patriots rallied to the call of battle, knowing full and well what was at stake. Heroes were recognized for their valiant effort and sacrifice, protecting their families, their homes, their fellow countrymen and women, and their country itself.
Despite the fact that this country was founded 248 years ago, citizens and patriots alike value the momentous historical importance of the Fourth of July. Should we as a whole forget the importance of this date, we might be doomed to repeat this historical event from within.
We must focus on the understanding that we need to vote into office the right representation that shares our mutual beliefs, pass laws and protect our best interests, and not that of their own agenda of corrupt representatives.