Gerry and Joe Caminiti


Wife Quilt

Bristol, CT

American Legion Post 2 presented a quilt, made by a quilter in Maine, to Gerry Caminiti, wife of 78 years to Post 2 member and Iwo Jima survivor, Joe Caminiti.

A few weeks before the quilt was presented to Gerry, both she and Joe suffered falls at different times. Three weeks before the Flag Day Ceremony, Gerry fell and broke her pelvis, necessitating a three-week stay in a nursing home before being allowed to return home. Joe fell one week before the Flag Day Ceremony. He had a plate screwed to his hip and was discharged from the hospital within 48 hours to return home. Using walkers, Gerry and Joe are both up and walking now.

Joe was able to attend the Elks Lodge 1010 Flag Day Ceremony, where he was honored. The plan was to present the quilt to Gerry at the Elks Flag Day Ceremony, but she was unable to attend. Therefore, The American Legion Post 2 brought the quilt to her, presenting it to Gerry after Joe returned home from the ceremony.

Joe was re-quilted at the Elks Lodge 1010 Flag Day Ceremony.

Joe getting ready to present the quilt to his wife

The quilt presented to Gerry Caminiti was a token of appreciation for her patience. It aimed to honor both the time she invested and the person she supported.
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