Post 105 Family runs Clothe the Homeless event

Belleville, NJ

The American Legion Family of Post 105 in Belleville ran a clothe-and-feed-the-homeless event in Newark, N.J., the first weekend of December.

ALA Unit Vice President Marcy Caruso noted afterward, “…when we handed [the homeless] such a simple thing like a sandwich and a blessing bag, it makes you appreciate what you have when others have so little.”

For three years, SAL 1st Vice Commander Vinnie Ferriole has managed a program helping the homeless “Down Neck,” in the Ironbound section of Newark behind Penn Station. And though many of those being helped were going through immense hardship few of us can imagine, they were kind, polite and thankful.

“It was nice to put smiles on people's faces,” noted Ferriole.

The day before, a production line of Sons and Auxiliary members made 180 peanut butter sandwiches at the post, stuffing paper bags with chips and water to hand out. The Auxiliary also made “blessing bags,” containing hand warmers, socks, toothpaste and health-care products.

Clothing was also donated in the months before, including jackets, gloves, and hats. One of the big donors over the years has always been Legionnaire Patricia “Miss Patty” Ferro, who recently passed away; many of the coats handed out were from her. She had always participated in the homeless events in Newark, and she was most certainly missed. “I'm sure Miss Patty was smiling down on us”, said ALA Unit 105 President Debbie Hall.

The day the Post 105 contingent traveled to Newark the weather was in the 20s. Many of the homeless are in “warming shelters” established throughout the city on days like that, but tragically there were still enough people in need who dropped by for coats and something to eat.

ALA Chaplain Jackie Elsmore said that “…I found that those who have the least can somehow be the happiest...And I find that amazing.”

Helping the homeless goes a long way in fulfilling the commitment to community The American Legion stands by, and the 105 is proud to do what little we can. An upcoming Toy and Coat Day will be held at the post, at 621 Washington Ave. in Belleville, on Saturday Dec. 22, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., another opportunity for the Legion, co-sponsored by HK Truck Center of South Plainfield, to help those in need over the holidays. We welcome anyone or any family who needs help by way of a warm piece of clothing or a toy for a child to drop by the post.

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