A song written to honor our present, past and future Veterans. It includes a link to view the video and listen to the song.
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJl7V2Z4pJo
About the author: Harvey Derrick is a retired US Army Staff Sergeant with 21 years of service, a member of the MSSU Football Hall Of Fame, song and screenplay writer, poet, music publisher, Radio host for 5 years and working music entertainer. He has performed on the Louisiana Hay Ride and at the world famous Blue Belle Saloon & Restaurant in Guthrie, OK for 12 years and is a narrator of children’s books for Pelican Publishing Company. Harvey has had two of his songs “Butterfield’s Taps” and “Dogs Don’t Care If You’re Ugly” reach #1 on regional airplay charts and his album “Dreams On The Line” reached # 9 on the United Kingdom album chart. He has performed "Let's Not Forget Our Veterans" at Military Memorial dedications and schools on Veterans Day.