Bob Greene, American Legion Post 6 commander watches as Staff Sgt. Shane Holland, 319th Civil Engineer Squadron fire fighter and Master Sgt. Brian Williams, 319th CES assistant fire chief of operations load into a car hundreds of soda can pull tabs collected at the 319th CES Fire Department June 2, 2015 on Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., while All of the tabs collected are used to create donation funds for the Ronald McDonald House in Bismarck, N.D. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Zachiah Roberson/released)
The Legionnaires and members of the Air Force Sergeants Association, Chapter 964 at Grand Forks AFB, partnered for the second year in a row to collect the pull tabs. As a combined effort, the two worked together with each of their organizations to collect soda can pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Bismarck, N.D.
In 2014, a grand total of 68,000 soda can pull tabs were collected.
This year more than 120,000 soda can pull tabs were collected, which in turn helped American Legion members throughout the state of North Dakota collect more than 1 million pull tabs.
"The tote or tub donated by Master Sgt. Brian Williams and his family and friends helped make a major difference," said Greene. "The tub itself contained more than 108,000 pull tabs."