This is a copy of a Letter I sent to the commander of Post 72 Orem, Utah. Just wanted to bring to your attention how great these Post's are doing for our Veterans. Thanks for all you do. Hope this is going to the right Dept. If not please forward.
Oct. 20, 2015
Commander Bradley Prescott Post 72
254 South Palisade Drive
Orem, Utah 84097
Dear Commander Prescott
I recently attended the funeral for my father-in-law, R. Keith Olsen. Keith was a member of the U.S. Army during World War II, and served with distinction in several campaign's within the Pacific Theater. His unit was the first to enter Japan after the atomic bomb was dropped.
Being a member of The American Legion I was proud to hear that Post 72 of Orem would conduct the funeral. As a member of the U.S. Army for over 32 years I have watched or participated in numerous military funerals so because of that it was so moving to me along with the friends and family of Keith to watch such a wonderful and outstanding ceremony.
Every aspect of the memorial was done with precision and was in keeping with the highest standards and traditions of the U.S. Army. Members of the Color Guard showed great pride and dedication to their tasks, rarely have I seen it done with such professionalism, which was capped off as the bugler played such a wonderful tribute to Keith with Taps.
On this day your unit brought great credit to themselves, The American Legion, and the U.S. Army. The family of Keith would like to thank each and every member of the Color Guard for their generous service to their country and community, and for the wonderful send off for Keith and all Veterans they render a service for.
Sincerely yours,
David E.Murdock
Col U.S. Army (Ret)