100 percent participation

I went through Navy boot camp in 1968 at Great Lakes, Ill. with Company 387. Every minute from "Reveille" to "Taps" was accounted for each day with little or no free time in between. We were even told, "You're either Protestant, Catholic or Jewish, and you will attend Services."

There was only one exception to "following orders" each moment. One afternoon, we were "asked" to donate blood. We were told that all our donations would be sent to Vietnam for our troops there who needed blood. We were told that it was hoped that we would have 100 percent participation from our company.

"We will not force you to donate blood," they said. "If you choose not to give, we will find something else for you to do while the others are giving and enjoying a couple hours to rest and recuperate."

Just outside the back door, in plain view, was a dirt pile, shovel and wheelbarrow. Each of us knew what the "something else" was. We had 100 percent participation.

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