After majoring in partying and flunking out of college in 1966, it was a matter of time before the draft would get me, so I opted to enlist. The local recruiters were eager to sign me up when they found out I scored very high in the written tests. They made all kinds of ridiculous promises to entice me. Finally, the Army recruiter asked what was keeping me from signing up. I explained I wasn't looking forward to sleeping in a barracks with 50 other snoring guys. He scribbled something on the enlistment form and gave it to me to sign. It said, "Everything is taken care of."
First day of basic training at bunk assignments, I happened to be the last one in line.
"We're out of bunks," one sergeant said.
"Oh, I forgot, [a non-commissioned officer] moved off post, so this trainee can take his room," another said.
The recruiter was absolutely flabbergasted when I wrote to tell him I actually got what he promised me.
The picture was taken in August 1966 at the Harmony Church area of Fort Benning, Ga.