On Jan. 9, 2016, Fred A. Rodgers, Jr. American Legion Post 388 in Haughton, Louisiana, and Concerned Veterans For America (“CVA”) participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the beginning of a cost sharing arrangement between the post and the CVA.
Post Commander William Stroud greeted the organizations and commented how fortunate the post was to be able to accommodate “a non-partisan organization seeking to protect the rights of our veterans that is not only engaged in efforts to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs, but also to speak out on other issues of importance to our economic and national security.”
As a participant in a CVA “get out the vote” effort, Stroud emphasized the non-partisan nature of the organization and the shared belief that getting our veterans to participate in the electoral process is good for the nation. “We asked veterans and their eligible family members to get out and vote. We asked them to vote for the candidates of their choice and made no recommendations.”
CVA Louisiana State Director Tina Kingston told participants in the ceremony that the “strong shared belief of both organizations that service to the nation and community does not end when the uniform is taken off for the last time.”
Kingston stated, “Members of Concerned Veterans For America and The American Legion share an ability to mold the experiences, concerns and hopes unique to veterans and their families into a common vision of freedom. We are not Democrats or Republicans but rather veterans pursuing common goals of moving our country forward, protecting the rights and benefits of those who have served, and educating future generations on the sacrifices made by others on our behalf.”
For more information on Concerned Veterans For America, view the organization’s website at cv4a.org.