Rich Luterman, head meteorologist of FOX-2 News, Detroit, treated members of Frank Wendland Post #253, Royal Oak, Mich., to a real inside tour of the studios, down to the nooks and crannies. Rich is a Air Force veteran (Capt., Desert Storm) who is familiar with the post members from Detroit's Veterans Day parade. He is well known in the Detroit area for his involvement, as a veteran, with veteran events. Members saw how a TV news/weather show is put together, and watched from the side while the news and weather were being reported. He took them to to the production area, where the program is orchestrated by a team of people. Then to the newsroom, where a team of reporters and editors put all the stories together to make them fit into the timeframe of the program. Sets where morning/afternoon shows are televised were also part of the tour. Post members presented Rich with a post T-shirt and ball cap as a token of their appreciation.