On the 100th Anniversary of out Post Building, Zephyr Post 118 honored 2 long time legionnaires. On behalf of National Legion Headquarters, District 7, and Post 118, Commander Keith Holz presented a continuous membership certificate of 60 years to John F. Clements. Legionnaire Clements has been a long time teacher and baseball coach at Zephyrhills High School. The baseball field at Zephyrhills High School was named in his honor many years ago. Coach Clements also founded the Zephyrhills Little League Program.
Post 118 also honored Joseph Clements with a 30 year certificate of continues membership. Congratulations to both legionnaires for their long time membership.
Photo courtesy of Steve Lee of the Zephyrhills Newspaper.
Submitted by Andrew W. Nagy Post 118 PR Chairman.
Photo Far left Post Commander Keith Holz next to him is John Clements and Joseph Clements