The Gretna, Neb., American Legion Riders of Chapter 216 had a fundraiser where the money will be used for the Legacy Fund and local charities. This money was raised by selling raffle tickets on a painting done by the director of Chapter 216.
The oil painting, called "Riding For Them," was done using oil on a stretched canvas and illustrates a faint picture of the front of a motorcycle within the red, white and blue of the American flag.
Mel and Monica Alexander of Gretna had the winning raffle ticket for the painting. They are a Gold Star Family that lost their son, CPL Matthew Alexander, in the Iraqi war. The painting could not have gone to a more deserving couple. Once they heard they won the painting, they immediately came right up to the post to claim their prize.
Mel said he has plans to hang it in the basement along with all the other items that reflect on their son.
by: Don Klaumann
American Legion Riders
Chapter 216
Gretna, Neb., 68403