We were issued a mess kit, a first aid kid, a musette bag, a canteen, clothing adapted to the weather, a helmet and a gas mask. They taught us how to use it by putting a company of men in a big building. The instructor showed us the fast way to put it on. So the next thing was the gas. After two trials of us putting the mask on, the instructor showed us a canister of tear gas. And wouldn’t you know, the can accidentally popped open. A few minutes prior, we had been taught to holler, “GAS!” This was a universal call when gas was detected. Of course, we all struggled to get our masks from their covers. By this time, the gas was doing its job. The doors were quickly opened and a group of teary-eyed soldiers emerged from the door, some with gas masks on and some without. Now we were trained in using gas masks!
A few days later, with all of our equipment on, we had to take a 5-mile hike. It was a one lane dirt road and after two miles into the woods, wouldn’t you know it, we had to get off to the side of the road to let a vehicle pass. There were three guys in a jeep and after the jeep passed the first five soldiers, the guys started opening and tossing canisters of gas onto the road. Of course, the first soldier to detect it hollered, “GAS”, and the message was passed up the line! At this point we were supposed to put on our gas masks.
After things quieted down, the sergeant went up and down the road to see how many soldiers had tears in their eyes. I don’t think we were graded on this test, but it was a good lesson learned in basic training.