I was in the United States Army in 1966-1968. I took my basic training at the U.S. Army Training Center at Fort Bliss, Texas. The transition from civilian to soldier is not an easy one. Coming from a small town (Wausau, Wis.) and meeting guys from all over the country, plus new landscape, was a big change. Most of us were from the Midwest, and having to bivouac in the desert with diamondback rattlesnakes and Gila monsters was nerve-ratting.
Just the fast pace and yelling by the drill sgts. came for a reason. They told us the second week of basic that a lot of us would go to Vietnam. They were right! The good part was they made us into men! I learned a lot in basic training. Learning to work with your buddy and never to leave anyone behind! The spirit, cooperation and hard work helped me to overcome future challenges and obstacles!
Oh, by the way, I hated K.P. Down the road, I still stay in touch with the guys I served with in Vietnam.
When I came home from basic training, that was the best shape I ever was in.