December 6th 1977. Arrived at Fort Dix for Basic Combat Training.
None of us had any clue what we were getting into but what we knew was that we'd be going home on Christmas leave in three weeks.
However, those three weeks were Hell on wheels. Up at 0430, clean the barracks and our rooms. Formation in the freezing cold, them march off to the Mess Hall (only after you successfully managed the monkey bars)...God it was cold!
Learning to march, D&C, manual of arms etc., all crammed into as much time as the DI's could muster. Constant yelling and push-ups, but all intended to make us soldiers....After the break, early January in New Jersey was hit with the biggest snowfall on record.
None of the permanent party troops could get on post so the "trainee's" had to bundle up and form details to shovel & shovel and shovel.... Thank God for the "pile" caps and snivel gear.
The 8 weeks spent there seemed like a year but by the time the DI's were done with us we all could hold our heads high and we were so proud marching in our Class "As" on graduation day.
More times that not I asked myself why in the world did I volunteer for this crap but felt such a feeling of accomplishment when Basic Combat Training was over.
So many memories and I can honestly say after a 21 year Army career, both as an enlisted guy then as an officer, the NCO's that trained us, were absolutely the very best at what they did, and as I would find out throughout my Army career, our NCO's ARE the backbone of our Army and I consider myself blessed for having the opportunity to know and have worked with the very best.