Central Area District 7 Oratorical Contest
On Jan 22, 2011 the 7th Distinct held their annual Oratorical Contest at Post 8 Winter Haven. This year we had 4 Post involved in this great program. Representing Post 3 Bartow is Leah Hagen; Post 8 Winter Haven sponsored her sister Bryah Hagen, both home schooled. Post 118 Zephyrhills was represented by Tiffany Echevarria from Wesley Chapel High School and Post 201 sponsored Kierstein Nelson who was last years District 7 Winner.
It was a very good contest and as always, very close. Finishing in 1st Place and representing District 7 at the Area Contest is Leah Hagen. She showed such vibrancy and excitement in her presentation. Kierstein was the 1st runner up followed by Bryan Hagen and Tiffany.
Commenting on this years contest, Past District 7 Commander Keith Holz and Present District 7 Commander Nancy Thomas both said “This is the first time in memory that we have had this many contestant’s turnout and post participation for the contest.”
IN PHOTO ARE L-R Tiffany Echevarria, Bryah Hagen, Kierstein Nelson and Winner Leah Hagen ( Photo courtesy of Curt Brewer Post 118 Photographer).