Rob Jones Journey Begins Month of Marathons

Indianapolis, IN

Meet Rob Jones, a double amputee Paralympic Bronze Medalist who biked across the Continental Divide in the dead of winter. While serving in Afghanistan in 2010, three years after he graduated from college, Rob stepped on an explosive device, costing him the high price of both legs, above the knee.
Rob has upped the ante on his epic accomplishments. On October 12, 2017, Rob began his self-funded “Month of Marathons” where he will run 26.2 miles everyday for 31 days - in a row - in 31 different cities across our country. Sounds impossible, but I wouldn’t bet against him given his track record.  After running his first marathon in Hyde Park, UK, Rob begins his U.S. runs in Philadelphia (Oct. 13).  In a rented RV, Rob will traverse the country from east to west and back to east ending on Veteran’s Day in Washington DC. He will stop in cities along the way to literally run a marathon. His goals? To raise $1M for military charities and awareness for veteran’s causes. Across the country, organizations have stepped forward to support him, from fire and police stations to rowing and running clubs and we anticipate well-deserved media coverage for Rob’s heroic runs.
He could have taken the easy route. But Rob lives by his motto “Survive – Recover – Live” ©. After his long recovery, he learned to row, successfully competed for a slot in the 2012 Paralympics, bringing home the Bronze.  Following his Paralympic win, Rob concluded that he had an obligation to help others. His decision to pay it forward prompted Rob to learn to ride a bike. The learning process went something like this – ride, pedal forward, fall, repeat.  Then, Rob embarked on an epic six-month 5200-mile cross-country bicycle challenge from Maine to San Diego. True to his humble nature, Rob self-funded his journey, sleeping in the back of a U-Haul on many nights, and raising $126,000 for non-profit military organizations. In undertaking this bike ride without quads, knees, calves, ankles or feet, Rob inspired a nation and was featured in the news coast to coast. Stairs have always been challenging for him, so in 2016 and 2017 he climbed 102 stories in the Freedom Tower, raising money for first responders and veterans.  Now, he is running 26.2 miles a day for 31 days in hopes that people will contribute to the charities that assist our wounded heroes.
So help spread the word.  The Month of Marathons is On! Rob is raising money for these charities:  The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund, and The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.  Donations through his website are linked directly to the charities. Visit to donate, find his schedule and learn more, like and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @RobJonesJourney.  Meet up with Rob, run alongside him, donate in his honor and unite.  Let’s honor Rob as he continues to inspire and help others.
The Today Show (Oct. 11 2017)
Good Morning Washington D.C. (Sept. 28 2017)
Sports Illustrated (Oct. 11 2017)
Rob Jones Month of Marathons Intro: RJJ.BUZZ/MOM
Jocko Podcast – Pushing the Envelope (Sept. 2017):
The Today Show: RJJ.BUZZ/TODAY     wClimb, Best Short Documentary:  RJJ.BUZZ/CLIMB

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