Houma La: The 61st annual Teenager of the Year and first ever Educator of the Year for Terrebonne Parish is part of American Legion Post 31 history. Congratulations goes out to Adeline Martin, "Teenager of the Year" and Mr Gary Phillips, "Educator of the Year." These two deserving winners were selected from 27 students and 19 educators in dozens of schools in Terrebonne Parish. Mr Phillips has been an educator for over 49 years and has supported the Legion through Boys and Girls State as well as the Oratorical Contest. He is a long-time volunteer at the local Regional Military Museum and has taken over 40 oral histories from local Veterans. Miss Martin is a Senior at South Terrenonne High School and is ranked first in her class. She is planning to study science and has been accepted to Harvard. Lenox-Hotard American Legion Post 31 works all year to make this banquet a special event for the students and their families. Thanks to all the Legion Family who made this happen. It was a good night, and we loved the team work.