The American Legion Post 46 of Ann Arbor, Michigan is donating $5,000.00 to the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Explorer Scout Program. Shown in the picture is the Post Commander Oleg Michajlenko presenting an initial $1,000 check to Undersheriff Mark Ptaszek. The check will help offset costs for new uniforms and training for these Scouts in Troop 0911. The Commander was joined by several Post 46 members, Jessica Wion who is the Community Engagement Deputy and Advisor to the Explorers, and Deputy Sgt Eugene Rush. Post 46 takes pride in supporting their local law enforcement first responders and the Scouting program.
Explorer classroom instruction is provided by sworn law enforcement personnel, guest speakers, and senior Explorers at weekly meetings. Through prior training and experience, they teach Explorers techniques and skills in law enforcement disciplines ranging from crime prevention to crime scene investigation. From participating in these weekly meetings and community service events, Explorers gain valuable interpersonal and life skills.
Washtenaw County Sheriff Explorers receive training that is similar to what sworn law enforcement personnel receive. These skills are then put to the test in a variety of scenarios at state and national competitions. Some topics that Explorers are trained in include the following:
- Arrest and Search Techniques
- Building Searches
- Crime Scene Investigation/Evidence Processing
- Criminal/Constitutional Law
- Domestic Violence Intervention
- Emergency First Aid and CPR
- Patrol Techniques
- Radio Codes and Procedures
- Report Writing
- Traffic Accident Investigation
- Traffic/Crown Control
- Traffic Stops