The New York Naval Cadet Corps would like to share with you our “Best Day Ever!” The children (ages 9-13) spent their Saturday of Memorial Day weekend in the cemetery honoring the veterans who have made the sacrifice for the freedoms that we have in this country. They worked alongside American Legion Post 44 of Malverne, New York. The post gave them an assignment of veterans and wreaths to put on the graves. Each of the veterans was honored with a small service and prayer, followed by a salute. Participating in activities such as these are building strong citizens for our future.
The activity was inspiring for the adults as well as the children, but the behavior that followed was truly amazing. When the students returned to school, they were tasked with writing a narrative about anything they chose. All six of the students who attended the ceremony and were in either of the two classes that were tasked with this wrote about their “Best Day Ever!” These are children who do not have family associated with the military but are very eager to learn about veterans, their sacrifices and the military. You really don’t know how something will impact a child until afterwards.
Attached are 4 photos and one narrative reflection story from the day. Please share the experience these children had with others to encourage respect for our country, veterans and the United States of America.
[Per the submitter, photo releases for all minors in this article are in their possession.]