The story of the Four Chaplains, their message of unity, brotherly love and self-sacrifice is a profound message of true heroism that spans the stems of time, warms the heart and embodies all that is Americanism. The memorial explains the circumstances of the sinking of the ship, the loss of life, and the emotions of survivors through readings by Commander Horn and each of the representatives of the Chaplains; Kendal Bishop, Myron Deutch, Jim Borgman and Paul Laws
This production was written and presented by C. M. Ministries, a local veterans chaplaincy ministry in unity with members of the American Legion Family of the 9th and 8th districts of the Department of Illinois. Fittingly, this was portrayed on the exact day of the sinking of U.S.A.T. Dorchester 76 years previous. This portrayal of the Four Chaplains Memorial uniquely brings to life the actions and stories of those involved in the demise of Dorchester. Each year this is an action-packed, multifaceted stage and multimedia performance for people of all ages and beliefs.