Department of Florida Legion Baseball
This past baseball season we had 59 Teams in Florida playing Legion Baseball said Department Baseball Chairman Les Ramieck There were 37 Sr teams and 22 Jr. teams. It was a good season for Legion ball here in Florida. Bradenton Post 24 won the Sr. title over Boynton Beach Post 164.
In our Jr. Tourney Boynton Post 164 went into the tournament with no losses and Stuart-Martin Co. Post 62 had 1 loss. Post 62 beat Post 164 twice to win the title. All games both Sr. and Jr.were held at Sanaluces Baseball Complex Boynton Beach
Post 24 went to the Southeast Regional tournament finishing 2nd to South Carolina at Sumter SC. The winner of the World Series held at Shelby, NC was Minnesota over Mississippi in 13 innings 4-3.
Submitted by Andrew W. Nagy Department of Florida