The weekend of April 12-14, the Detachment of New Hampshire hosted East Region NVC Michael Cotten (Delaware.) as well as his aide NEC Toby Cullen (Delaware). During his visit, he was able to go to several events such as the Department of New Hampshire Junior Oratorical Contest held at St. Anselm College. There he addressed the contestants and wished them well that day and in the future, He also attended the Detachment Executive Committee meeting at Post 31 in Penacook, N.H, toured the N.H. Veterans Cemetery, and concluded with the Children's Miracle Network bowl-a-thon sponsored by the Detachment of N.H. All events were well represented by the N.H. American Legion Family. The annual bowl-a-thon, in its 17th year, raised $5,234 with $2,372 being raised by the Dover Post 8 American Legion family. Post 8 secured the bowling pin trophy two years in a row, bringing its 17 year total over $100,000. This money goes to help children and their families from New Hampshire at Boston Children's Hospital.