Commander Keith Clevenger and Frederick County Executive Jan H. Gardner declared every Friday as “RED Day” for the remainder of 2019 and is encouraging citizens to wear red to show support for servicemembers across the country.
“It’s a show of solidarity to show that we stand with our troops and are supportive of them when they are deployed,” said Gardner. “Sometimes people forget that we have people deployed all around the world doing all kinds of things for the benefit of our country.” Mayor of Frederick Michael O’Connor wholeheartedly agreed.
“There can never be too much gratitude, and I think any time we have an opportunity to say thank you and to recognize the service of people in our community, it’s really important for us to do that,” said O’Connor. “I just think we’re really lucky to be in a great community that understands and represents what community service to our country really means.”
Gardner invites Frederick County to take part in the national movement, and said she’s hopeful the servicemembers will know they’re in Frederick County’s thoughts and prayers. “I think it’s important for the people serving our country to know that members of our country stand with them,” said Gardner. “Freedom isn’t free, and I think every American family has a veteran in their family, so we must remember those overseas serving.”
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